Thursday, February 25, 2010

26th February 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 4 months, 2 weeks and 2 days old

Stella is 1 year and 2 weeks old

Busy day today. We had tumble gym this morning which was great fun as always, Xavier did well and stopped playing to ask me to take him to the toilet which is a pretty big deal. Although once we got to the toilet he was much more interested in the blower (hand dryer) not coming on. For some reason he is scared of it and whinges and cries if it happens to start up... not fun for those ones that are motion sensitive as opposed to pressing the button...

After tumble gym, I out on my big girl panties and took Stella for her 12 month injections. In the past she has gone to the Dr's for them, screamed blue murder as soon as he looks at her then developed huge bruises and lumps that last for weeks afterwards. This time I decided to take her to the community center and get the nurses to do it for me. I suspect that perhaps the Dr is a bit more used to jabbing adults and is possibly a bit rough with my little possum, but I figured if she bruises and lumps after being jabbed by the nurses who do it all day everyday, she is just one of those people who lump and bruise. Well so far so good. She cried for all of 10 seconds and I haven't had the chance to check for lumpies just yet. Time will tell if we have any kind of reaction to the jabs.

We also collected our pixie photos from Stella's first birthday on the way home from jabs. And my kids are just beautiful, if I do say so myself.

Stella has taken some more steps of late, but I still wouldn't describe her as walking. She is doing more and more walking behind the walker trolley, and I'm sure in no time at all she will be running around after her brother and I will be wishing back the days of a non mobile baby.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

22nd February 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 4 months, 1 week and 5 days old

Stella is 1 year, 1 week and 3 days old

Today has been a big day of firsts.

While out shopping today, we decided to have a play on the indoor playground, when Xave came out, told me he needed to wee and off we went to the toilet and he did wee on the toilet. WOO WOO... the things parents get excited about. He is very good at telling me when he needs to wee at home, but when we are out he gets too distracted playing and often has accidents, so today was quite the achievement.

But the bigger news is that today Stella took 2 steps all by herself. She was sitting in her Upsy Daisy chair and was practicing standing up then sitting back down, when all of a sudden she took 2 steps forwards to her music activity center. She hasn't done it again, so it may have been a complete fluke, but I think it counts. So yah, baby girl, in not time now you will be on the move. Lets hope that settles some of the arguements you and Xavier have.

Friday, February 19, 2010

20th February 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 4 months, 1 week and 3 days old

Stella is 1 year, 1 week and 1 day old

This weekend Daddy is away playing golf, so the 3 of us are flying solo. Last night I went out for dinner and Nonna and Pa came and sat with you both. Aunty Nee-Nee, Tayne and Wes also showed up, seems the family can only get together when Im not around... that or you 2 are that much of a handful it takes 3 adults and 2 children to keep you in line. In which case I am a legend doing it alone most of the time.

This morning we had swimming lessons. Grandma came to help seeing as Daddy was not there.

Stella really enjoyed her lesson. She started off a bit tentative, but eventually warmed to it, kicking and spalshing like a pro. Crawling along the mat into muummy's arms and monkey crawling along the edge. She even put her head under 3 times with no tears, granted a look of horror and shock, but no tears.

Xavier on the other hand is not a fan of swimming at all. As a baby he loved it, but then once he was supposed to start formal lessons at 6 month, I got tight and wouldn't pay for playing with a child in the water. So it was a while between swims and I think the whole thing just freaks him out a little. His first lesson he screamed and left fingernail marks in Daddy's back, this time he held on pretty tight, and cried a little, but was nowhere near as bad as the first time. Im sure with time he will calm down and begin to enjoy being in the water.

Tonight Daddy is coming back from golf to go the Aden and Emma's engagement party. Kids aren't invited, so you guys are going to grandma and grandad's for the night. Xavier is allowed to sleep over the night, but Stella still doesn't sleep through the night so grandma said she cant stay.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

17th February 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 4 months and 1 week old

Stella is 1 year and 5 days old

Today was Wednesday, which means mainly music day. Xavier is going through another "no' phase, so despite loving music, when I asked this morning if he was ready for music, I was told, "no music mummy, Xavier stay home"... I should also add that this week we have also had "no daddy home from work" and "no going to grandma's"... 2 of his favourite things...

When we got to music it started out fine, until he tripped over his own feet and cried and then spent the entire time sitting on my knee. He wouldn't go and get instruments, wouldn't sing, wouldn't dance... he was not himself.

Stella on the other hand is exploring her new found freedom at such events. She is watching what is going on around her and is following the bigger kids around, although she is not quite up to bringing back her instrument, scarf, etc... from a girl who was clinging to me all morning, and burst into tears if anyone so much as looked at her, she had a great day at music.

Home now and both sleeping... so its mummy time. Oh I love that they sleep at the same time, and I dread the day either one gives up day sleeps.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

14th February 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 4 months and 4 days old

Stella is 1 year and 2 days old

What a busy weekend we have had my babies.

It started on Friday with Stella's 1st birthday celebrations. Daddy had the day off; mummy thinks birthdays are important and its nice to spend your special day as a family. We went to tumble gym in the morning, rushed from there to the MCHN for Stella's 1 year assessment, turns out she is just fine, petite but fine. 72cm and 8.09kg. At the same age, Xavier was 78cm and 10.2kg.. big difference there. After being told once again by the health nurse how lovely the 2 of you are, we headed off for the official 1st birthday pixie photo. As always, we go with the intention of only getting the ONE FREE photo, but $240 later, we have some lovely shots of both of you. Damn you good looking children costing us a tonne of cash.

After a well earned sleep, Stella opened her presents from all of us. She was rather impressed with the cabbage patch doll, highly impressed with the Hi5 DVD and not at all impressed with the clothes.

Grandma and Grandad came over for dinner and a homemade cake by mum. There really is nothing quite so fun as watching a small child inhale cake...

On Saturday it was party time. Daddy and I raced around like lunatics getting everything ready for your big day. But it was great.

After a quick sleep for Stella after your party, we headed off to Harriet's 2nd birthday party. It was lovely getting to have a sit down and chat with good friends. Xavier was very tired so ended up going to Grandma's for a sleep and dinner. While mummy and Stella stayed and played.

After Harriet's party we headed to Ben and Alice's for some guitar hero, but once you got tired and cranky we all decided that coming back here so the kids could sleep was the best idea. You guys went to sleep quickly and the adults rocked out to sing star until late into the night. God only knows how you slept through all of our terrible singing.

Sunday involved a trip to Lysterfield Lake for Michelle's birthday. You both had a swim with Daddy in the lake and had a great time.

Weekends go all to fast for my liking, and we have more busy weekend coming up too... but its better than being bored I guess.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

12th February 2010

Today is Stella's First Birthday

To my daughter...

What a challenge and blessing you have been these past 12 months.

I look at you and all I see is me. A tiny little version of myself. You have my features and you have my attitude. My mum always said that she hoped I would have a daughter just like me, and well, here you are.

In 12 short months you have pushed buttons I didn't know I had, you have made me laugh and cry and throw things and scream out loud. You amaze me with your humour and courage, and frustrate me with your drama queen antics.

You are beautiful. Daddy says, more beautiful than me, and while I act hurt at this, I know its true. Sometimes when you are feeding I look down at you in awe at just how perfect and lovely you are. It helps that with a mouthful of boob you are generally quiet too, a rare moment of peace.

I know that in the years to come you are going to push more buttons, we will yell and scream at each other, we will say things that are hurtful and things that are loving. But Im sure I will never stop being amazed by your character.

Today on your birthday, know that you are adored by all who cross your path, but in particular by your mummy, daddy and big brother.

May you have a wonderful day, not that you will remember it, but know that I thought long and hard about how to spend today, so just go with the flow and have a good time.

Love, kisses and much respect from your mum xxx

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

4th February 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 3 months, 3 weeks and 4 days old

Stella is 11 months, 3 weeks and 2 days old

I have been a little slack keeping up with this.. sorry... we have had some very big developments in since I last posted.

Stella has learnt to stand up all by herself. She has been pulling up on things for a while now, but on Australia Day, 26th Jan, she worked out how to get to standing without holding on to anything. I recall that Xave was not doing this at this age, he took much longer, but he did walk about 2 weeks after he worked out how to do this.. will be very interesting to see if Stella is therefore walking before she turns 1 in 8 days... blowing his walking just before 16 months out of the water.

Xavier is still having more moments of being a pest than being a lovely child. He often refuses to walk, preferring to crawl like a baby, he has given up talking, rather grunting and using baby talk to whinge his way to what he wants. The only thing that is still going fairly to plan, is the toilet training. He is great at using the potty at home, even taking his jocks off, but when we are out and he is busy playing, its a different story. But in time we will get there.