Thursday, January 21, 2010

21st January 2010

Xavier 2 years, 3 months, 1 week and 4 days old

Stella 11 months, 1 week and 2 days old

Stacey, Will & Ryan came over to play. The train table amused you all for a while, but before we knew it, all 4 of you were out on the deck. Then it went strangely quiet, some investigation found the 3 boys in the sandpit and Stella trying to negotiate the stairs.

We learnt that Xavier is not so good at sharing his toys. There was much pushing and shoving of Will while battling for the lawn mower. Ryan was happy enough with the whipper snipper. Both toys of course.

It was a challenging day with both of you today. Xavier has taken to trying to carry Stella around to where he wants her, which is nice, except that he does so by getting her in a headlock which just makes her scream.

We had our first nappy removal today. Xave and Stels went down for a sleep and while walking down the hall to settle Stella, I caught a whiff of poo. After settling her, I ventured into Xave's room expecting a dirty nappy, what I did not expect was said nappy off and on the floor. thank god it was a firm poo and not smeared everywhere. In hindsight I'm probably very lucky that this was the first time.

While getting ready for bed tonight, xave asked me to spray his hands with a spray sanitiser we use. He wasn't dirty, but he enjoys the novelty of the spraying. I then sprayed his bum as he walked away, for him to turn and say, spray doodle mummy, so I obliged... he then offered, spray mummies gyna? ummm no thanks son. Adam and I were in hysterics, was too funny.

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