Thursday, January 21, 2010

22nd January 2010

Xavier 2 years, 3 months, 1 week and 5 days old

Stella 11 months, 1 week and 3 days old

The head lock carry continues. Bliss... NOT!

Nice big sleeps from both of you today and lots of lovely cuddles from well rested babies.

A very musical day today. Xave pulled the music box down from the toy shelf and they both spent hours banging tambourines, shaking maracas, and bashing a xylophone. Noisy, but very cute watching them take turns and share.

It does remind me that its probably time to rotate the toys on the shelf, a job for the weekend perhaps.

Stella also discovered the 3D glasses from when we saw Avatar a while ago. Both kids had great fun playing with the glasses, on, off, on, off... when Xave put them on the first thing he said was "show Stella", lovely how he is always thinking of her.

Its a Friday, so daddy will be home late, it does mean take away for tea. I have been trying to convince Xave that he really wants pizza but he is insisting on fish and chips. bummer.

Mummy is going to head out tonight once you are in bed to celebrate the birthdays of Sazz and Sarah.

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