Monday, August 23, 2010

24th August 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 10 months and 2 weeks old.

Stella is 1 year, 6 months, 1 week and 5 days old.

It's fair to say that I have been a slack mumma blogger. And while I would like to claim its all because I only blog when the kids are being shits and they have been great, its would just be dishonest of me to make such a claim.

There is no reason for my slackness, so I hope that I can get back on track.

The big news since the last blog is that Xavier not only has given up his dummy, BUT is now fully toilet trained, day and night. No more nappies for our big boy. I would like to feel nothing but pride at his achievements, but a small part of me also realises that this is the first step in him growing further from being my baby and into his own little person, and that makes me a little bit sad.

Stella has 100% mastered the art of walking and even manages the odd run too. Compared to Xavier at the same age, she doesn't talk much, and by talk I mean using real words that other people can understand, but there is a great deal of babbling and telling off that comes from her little pouted lips. But then, at her age, Xavier was barely walking, so I guess we can cut her some slack.

While fights are still common place in our house, there are more and more times where I catch them playing nicely together. A new morning routine has been established, Xavier arrives in bed with me, not long after Adam leaves for work, then tries his best to lay still and let mumma get some more rest, but at some point this all gets too much so he flies out of bed and into Stella's room before I have the chance to notice his plans and stop him. He climbs into bed with her for a little while and the 2 of them chat away until the fighting starts. At that point I go and collect them both and bring them back to bed with me, Stella has her morning breastfeed, while Xavier jumps up and down begging her to "Come play with Xavier, pleeeaaassssseeeeeeeee Stella". When she is done with boobies, off she goes and the two of them create havoc until I drag myself out of bed or until Xave comes in to declare he needs breakfast or Stella brings me my slippers as her way of saying get out of bed woman and feed us...

Xavier's current favourite toy is Stella's Cabbage Patch Doll, Macey, she was a first birthday present for Stella but her chance to even play with her was very short lived. Xavier laid eyes on her and she was his. To try and combat the fights that this creates, a new Cabbage Patch Doll was purchased for Stella (second hand from a baby market). Dolores (the name she came with) was welcomed into our home and the loving arms of.. yep, Xavier. The sad part is that poor Macey, has been given the flick and Xavier is now enamoured with the new blonde baby in the house. Good news is that Stella has now reclaimed her Macey back.

Despite the number of dolls that live in our house, Stella's favourite is still most definitely her bunny. The first time she was placed in her cot unwrapped she reached for him and the love has grown from that moment on. Bunny sleeps with her every night, he comes in the car (although at this point I can still convince her to leave him there when we get out so he doesn't get lost), he shares her boobies, and many a tear is shed when he enters the washing machine for his weekly wash. I tried to get some more 'bunnies' but when they arrived all the way from the UK, as original bunny did, they were not the same and boy-oh-boy did madame notice. New bunnies were cast aside like trash.

I think that is enough for now, I will endeavour to keep on top of this blog, as my babies, you are growing up all to quickly before my eyes, and I want to savour it all... honest I do.

Oh wanted to add that little miss had her 18 month injections today and was a dream, not so much as a cry or whimper. My brave girl. 

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