Thursday, March 4, 2010

4th March 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 4 months, 3 weeks and 1 day old

Stella is 1 year, 2 weeks and 6 days old

Today Xavier has been exercising the use of his newest word... NEED

Mummy I need more milk
Mummy I need red dummy
Mummy I need a biscuit
Mummy I need to play playdough etc etc etc

Mummy needed Xavier to stop being so demanding and play nicely.

I am finding that I tend to blog here on days that have been trying, wonder what that suggests... I guess the fact that Im not blogging daily is a good thing.

Stella's walking is coming along, while she prefers to crawl still, I have witnessed her walk across the lounge (to catch this you need to pretend you aren't looking at her or she falls on her butt) and if you stand her up she takes a few steps before packing it all in. Im sure given another week or 2 we will see more and more walking. Maybe this is how normal kids start walking, seeing as Xave was such a late walker (16 months) he really was really really ready and just took off, there was no stopping him, I guess Stels is just finding her feet so to speak in these early days.

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