Wednesday, February 3, 2010

4th February 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 3 months, 3 weeks and 4 days old

Stella is 11 months, 3 weeks and 2 days old

I have been a little slack keeping up with this.. sorry... we have had some very big developments in since I last posted.

Stella has learnt to stand up all by herself. She has been pulling up on things for a while now, but on Australia Day, 26th Jan, she worked out how to get to standing without holding on to anything. I recall that Xave was not doing this at this age, he took much longer, but he did walk about 2 weeks after he worked out how to do this.. will be very interesting to see if Stella is therefore walking before she turns 1 in 8 days... blowing his walking just before 16 months out of the water.

Xavier is still having more moments of being a pest than being a lovely child. He often refuses to walk, preferring to crawl like a baby, he has given up talking, rather grunting and using baby talk to whinge his way to what he wants. The only thing that is still going fairly to plan, is the toilet training. He is great at using the potty at home, even taking his jocks off, but when we are out and he is busy playing, its a different story. But in time we will get there.

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