Thursday, February 25, 2010

26th February 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 4 months, 2 weeks and 2 days old

Stella is 1 year and 2 weeks old

Busy day today. We had tumble gym this morning which was great fun as always, Xavier did well and stopped playing to ask me to take him to the toilet which is a pretty big deal. Although once we got to the toilet he was much more interested in the blower (hand dryer) not coming on. For some reason he is scared of it and whinges and cries if it happens to start up... not fun for those ones that are motion sensitive as opposed to pressing the button...

After tumble gym, I out on my big girl panties and took Stella for her 12 month injections. In the past she has gone to the Dr's for them, screamed blue murder as soon as he looks at her then developed huge bruises and lumps that last for weeks afterwards. This time I decided to take her to the community center and get the nurses to do it for me. I suspect that perhaps the Dr is a bit more used to jabbing adults and is possibly a bit rough with my little possum, but I figured if she bruises and lumps after being jabbed by the nurses who do it all day everyday, she is just one of those people who lump and bruise. Well so far so good. She cried for all of 10 seconds and I haven't had the chance to check for lumpies just yet. Time will tell if we have any kind of reaction to the jabs.

We also collected our pixie photos from Stella's first birthday on the way home from jabs. And my kids are just beautiful, if I do say so myself.

Stella has taken some more steps of late, but I still wouldn't describe her as walking. She is doing more and more walking behind the walker trolley, and I'm sure in no time at all she will be running around after her brother and I will be wishing back the days of a non mobile baby.

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