Thursday, May 26, 2011

27th May 2011

Xavier is 3 years, 7 months, 2 weeks and 3days old.

Stella is 2 years, 3 months, 2 weeks and 1 day old.

Firstly, WOW, how on earth did my babes get so old? Time really is just  flying.

Xavier is just a little champ. As a 2 year old he was hard work, but I'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel, and as a 3 year old is is much more enjoyable, most of the time. The love I have for him feels like an old, familiar, comfortable love. Its steady, reliable and safe. Hearing Xavier say he loves me is like being wrapped in a old warm blanket, it embracing and gentle.

Stella is a pocket rocket of fun. She is finding her voice as a 2 year old, but still essentially wants to know that you recognise and appreciate what she is doing. The love I have for her is intense, fierce and passionate. Loving Stella feels like those first years in a new relationship, where things are new and fresh. You get excited seeing them and hearing them tell you they love you too makes you tingle from head to foot.

I feel like perhaps this is the beginning of the course our loves are going to take as my babies grow into children, young adults and then adults themselves. Xavier, ever steady, considered and there. Stella intense, flighty and exciting.

Some highlights from the past few weeks, although it could easily be months with the rate time is flying by.

Adam had opened a block of chocolate and was negotiating with Xavier about how much he could have as it was just before bedtime. Stella , hand on hip, wanders into the kitchen and says "so, ummm, whats going on here guys? Yeeesssss, what is going on here?" Hilarity.

Xavier has started 3 year old kinder this year, and all reports from his teachers suggest that he is a very quiet and gentle boy. Ummm at home he is neither. A discussion in the car last week may have uncovered this contrast in his personalities. Xavier informed me that he wasn't allowed to talk at kinder. That he must sit quietly on his bottom and listen to the stories Miss B reads. Despite informing him that listening during stories was important and very good manners, he was in fact allowed to talk at other times. I also had to reassure him that I thought there were set times for stories, and that it was unlikely that Miss B was going to break into story (or song for that matter) at any given moment and he really didn't need to be on guard at all time in preparation for such an event. A chat to Miss B, then a chat between Miss B and Xavier seems to be assisting with the confusion, she informed me at pick up this week that he had talked more than she had heard before, but still not what she would consider a lot. Give him time, I say, she'll be wishing for the quiet in no time.

I love mandarins, the kids love mandarins. Today I was trying to hide one on my desk, but Miss found it. She insisted she had to peel it by 'mineself' then she broke it in half and place it either side of her head to listen to it. Then sniffed deeply and announced, "mummy, it smells delicious"

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