Monday, May 30, 2011

30th May 2011

Xavier is 3 years, 7, months, 2 weeks and 6 days old.

Stella is 2 years, 3 months, 2 weeks and 4 days old.

Quote of the day goes to Stella. Sitting on the toilet with a finger up her nose (its gross but better than some other places she chooses to put it) she says "mummy, there's a booger up there. I can smell it!" Hilarity. Wonder what boogers smell like?

Xavier lays on the floor drawing quietly before bed, brings me his artwork to admire. I ask "can you tell me about it?" (tip I learned from Lozzy that she learned from her mum, a prep teacher, apparently gets a better response than questioning what is it?) and he tells me,
"Mum, its a letter to Santa."
"Ok, what does it say?"
"It says, Hurry up Santa!"
Random child. Think watching the Christmas Hi-5 DVD may be responsible for this gem.

In other news, a really beautiful day with the small ones. Swimming this morning (only took 45 min to get dressed after lessons, down from 1hr 15min last 2 weeks) then play center with a friend S and her boys W & R. All kids played lovely, we caught up, drank coffee and hot chocolates and blissed out.

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