Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ok, let's try this again shall we...

I have been contemplating coming back to this for quite some time now. But I keep finding excuses not to. I had in my head that I needed some 'special' date to start, but have come to realise that each day I wait for that special day, another day in the lives of my children passes.

I was also struggling to find the right 'voice' for this blog. Was I writing to my children, or about my children, the tense was getting all messed about and annoying me.

So I have a new plan. I'm not going to worry about grammar and how things flow and sound for now, rather I'm just going to write about the things that stand out in our day to day grind. They now say so many things that are completely hilarious, that when there 21st roll around it will be impossible to remember them all, unless I write them down somewhere.

So here is One Day at at Time. Take 2.

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