Saturday, February 13, 2010

14th February 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 4 months and 4 days old

Stella is 1 year and 2 days old

What a busy weekend we have had my babies.

It started on Friday with Stella's 1st birthday celebrations. Daddy had the day off; mummy thinks birthdays are important and its nice to spend your special day as a family. We went to tumble gym in the morning, rushed from there to the MCHN for Stella's 1 year assessment, turns out she is just fine, petite but fine. 72cm and 8.09kg. At the same age, Xavier was 78cm and 10.2kg.. big difference there. After being told once again by the health nurse how lovely the 2 of you are, we headed off for the official 1st birthday pixie photo. As always, we go with the intention of only getting the ONE FREE photo, but $240 later, we have some lovely shots of both of you. Damn you good looking children costing us a tonne of cash.

After a well earned sleep, Stella opened her presents from all of us. She was rather impressed with the cabbage patch doll, highly impressed with the Hi5 DVD and not at all impressed with the clothes.

Grandma and Grandad came over for dinner and a homemade cake by mum. There really is nothing quite so fun as watching a small child inhale cake...

On Saturday it was party time. Daddy and I raced around like lunatics getting everything ready for your big day. But it was great.

After a quick sleep for Stella after your party, we headed off to Harriet's 2nd birthday party. It was lovely getting to have a sit down and chat with good friends. Xavier was very tired so ended up going to Grandma's for a sleep and dinner. While mummy and Stella stayed and played.

After Harriet's party we headed to Ben and Alice's for some guitar hero, but once you got tired and cranky we all decided that coming back here so the kids could sleep was the best idea. You guys went to sleep quickly and the adults rocked out to sing star until late into the night. God only knows how you slept through all of our terrible singing.

Sunday involved a trip to Lysterfield Lake for Michelle's birthday. You both had a swim with Daddy in the lake and had a great time.

Weekends go all to fast for my liking, and we have more busy weekend coming up too... but its better than being bored I guess.

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