Tuesday, February 16, 2010

17th February 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 4 months and 1 week old

Stella is 1 year and 5 days old

Today was Wednesday, which means mainly music day. Xavier is going through another "no' phase, so despite loving music, when I asked this morning if he was ready for music, I was told, "no music mummy, Xavier stay home"... I should also add that this week we have also had "no daddy home from work" and "no going to grandma's"... 2 of his favourite things...

When we got to music it started out fine, until he tripped over his own feet and cried and then spent the entire time sitting on my knee. He wouldn't go and get instruments, wouldn't sing, wouldn't dance... he was not himself.

Stella on the other hand is exploring her new found freedom at such events. She is watching what is going on around her and is following the bigger kids around, although she is not quite up to bringing back her instrument, scarf, etc... from a girl who was clinging to me all morning, and burst into tears if anyone so much as looked at her, she had a great day at music.

Home now and both sleeping... so its mummy time. Oh I love that they sleep at the same time, and I dread the day either one gives up day sleeps.

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