Friday, February 19, 2010

20th February 2010

Xavier is 2 years, 4 months, 1 week and 3 days old

Stella is 1 year, 1 week and 1 day old

This weekend Daddy is away playing golf, so the 3 of us are flying solo. Last night I went out for dinner and Nonna and Pa came and sat with you both. Aunty Nee-Nee, Tayne and Wes also showed up, seems the family can only get together when Im not around... that or you 2 are that much of a handful it takes 3 adults and 2 children to keep you in line. In which case I am a legend doing it alone most of the time.

This morning we had swimming lessons. Grandma came to help seeing as Daddy was not there.

Stella really enjoyed her lesson. She started off a bit tentative, but eventually warmed to it, kicking and spalshing like a pro. Crawling along the mat into muummy's arms and monkey crawling along the edge. She even put her head under 3 times with no tears, granted a look of horror and shock, but no tears.

Xavier on the other hand is not a fan of swimming at all. As a baby he loved it, but then once he was supposed to start formal lessons at 6 month, I got tight and wouldn't pay for playing with a child in the water. So it was a while between swims and I think the whole thing just freaks him out a little. His first lesson he screamed and left fingernail marks in Daddy's back, this time he held on pretty tight, and cried a little, but was nowhere near as bad as the first time. Im sure with time he will calm down and begin to enjoy being in the water.

Tonight Daddy is coming back from golf to go the Aden and Emma's engagement party. Kids aren't invited, so you guys are going to grandma and grandad's for the night. Xavier is allowed to sleep over the night, but Stella still doesn't sleep through the night so grandma said she cant stay.

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